Our People

Corporate responsibility begins with our own people, employment practices and maintaining equitable treatment across all levels of our organisation. A skilled and motivated team are critical to the success of any organisation, and we recognise the importance of this to our own business. Our aim is for everyone to take accountability for their own professional development, and we strive to provide the tools for individuals to succeed in doing this. We support ongoing professional development for our team and fund various training to meet any skill gaps and help individuals succeed. Key focus areas for the training programs provided include health and safety, mining and mine support, exploration, asset protection and leadership.

The Company does not tolerate any form of harassment or conduct which contributes to an intimidating or offensive work environment, particularly when the conduct is related to a person’s gender, colour, age, race, or religion. There are strict disciplinary consequences for employees who engage in harassment.

Health & Safety

Safety is non-negotiable and we are committed to achieving the highest global standards to ensure fatalities or injuries are prevented. We aim to create a culture whereby safety and wellbeing are embedded in the mentality of our team at all levels, and we believe that by doing so we can help prevent accidents, mitigate costs and operational downtime, and enhance our company productivity.

Formal training and development are combined with daily safety briefings and awareness campaigns on-site to foster a culture of safety among the team to aim for a situation where everyone takes full accountability for their own safety and that of those around them. No aspect of our performance is considered more important than maintaining a safe working environment, and responsibility for this is held by everyone at Shanta. This is reflected in its application when evaluating the performance of all employees monthly, who are recognised for their safety awareness and performance to encourage safe practices. It is also the top key performance indicator when considering bonus awards for Executive Directors.


We recognise the potentially significant impact that our business has on the communities in which we operate. We strive to empower these communities by investing in programmes that help the long-term sustainable development of the community, its people, and the local economy. Our goal is to leave a lasting, sustainable legacy for future generations so that even when mining activities have ceased, the regions we have impacted can continue to prosper.


We believe that moving towards self-sufficiency is a long-term process but starts with the adoption of best practices amongst our employees. We continually improve and regularly monitor, audit and review our environmental performance, including the reduction and prevention of impacts and more efficient use of resources. We recognise the need to be transparent and accountable about our approach and are working to strengthen our commitments in this area. We believe a strong culture of environmental stewardship is best complemented with a self-monitoring review. We seek to exceed the minimum regulatory standards for our industry and set higher and stricter standards of our own which we continue to strive towards.

We seek to progressively develop and maintain environmental management systems that are consistent with internationally recognised standards. These processes and systems are adopted internally by senior management across all employee levels.

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